watch all the MVs on KQ's channel, not on Stone Entertainment's channel
Focus on ATEEZ / KQ content whenever possible
When streaming on YouTube please make sure to follow the rules!
If you have any questions please let us know! You can email us or contact us on any other social media. All the contact information is at the bottom of the page.
This guide is newly made and reflects all the changes in yt's algorithm!

01. DO
Log into your account
Use premium ( If you have it )
ensure autoplay is off
pause any ad-block software
search the video manually
watch the video multiple times throughout the day
like, comment, subscribe and share the video on all your social media
1 device = 1 account = 1 IP address (wifi)
rewatch the video every 15 - 30 minutes
do not mute the youtube player (the volume can be <50% if needed)
do not cycle through the same set of videos as a filler (include filler content from different channels) + (stream 1 - 2 NON-Kpop songs / videos per hour)
watch ads at least 30 seconds before skipping
remember to keep engaging with the video - like & reply to comments, or leave another unique comment (just remember not to spam)
streaming in the background or minimized tabs - although your view will count, the video will not gain engagement from this and will not trend or move up in search ranking
pause or rewatch parts of the video
watching in lower quality ( < 720 p ) if it's your only way to watch the video
posting emojis or words like "stream" in the comments
watch all the MVs on KQ's channel, not on Stone Entertainment's channel
Focus on ATEEZ / KQ content whenever possible
Please do not use playlists as they cause deletions, focus on manual streaming and Scener streaming.
repeatedly refresh the video (repeat the page and not the video if you do this)
watch only 30 seconds of the video
close the tab without clicking on a new video
watch at a higher speed
post dozens of similar comments
use VPN (unless YouTube is blocked in your country)
stop streaming when views " freeze "
mute the video (it is okay to mute your device)
clear your cache or history
abuse the report function - report only malicious comments, as views from flagged accounts may be deleted
Yes, you can watch videos from the same channel back-to-back, but do not overdo it!
You ALWAYS need to have 15 - 30 minutes worth of videos watched between going back to the same video.
You CAN NOT watch 1 video, go out of the youtube app/tab, go back to it after 15 minutes and stream the same video!
Join scener parties!
Scener parties are only available on laptop / PC.
Scener party shouldn't go for longer than 3 hours!
After being in a scener party DO NOT join another one for at least 2 hours!
1 device = 1 account = 1 IP ( wifi )
1) Using your home internet ( wifi - IP ) to stream on the laptop = 1st yt account
2) Using your phone data to stream on your phone = 2nd yt account