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 Achievements on YouTube


Guerrilla Achievements

'Guerrilla' is the most watched ATEEZ MV in the first 24 hours, with 13,201,626 views, and the most watched MV in the first week among all 2021-2022 ATEEZ MVs with 19,679,097 views. It also holds the record of the fastest ATEEZ MV to reach 10M views, in just 12 hours and 14 minutes.

'Guerrilla' performance preview is the fastest ATEEZ video to reach 100.000 views on YouTube in just 19 mins, beating 'The Real' MV by 2 minutes.



Top 5 most viewed MVs

Wonderland MV âž– 113M

Answer MV âž– 80M

Inception MV âž– 75M

Wave MV âž– 68M

Say My Name MV âž– 64M

MVs over 50M views

Wonderland MV âž– 113M

Answer MV âž– 80M

Inception MV âž– 75M

Wave MV âž– 68M

Say My Name MV âž– 64M

Thanxx MV âž– 61M

Deja Vu âž– 61M

Fireworks MV âž– 54M


Top 10 most liked MVs

Wonderland MV âž– 1.9M

Deja Vu MV âž– 1,5M

Fireworks MV âž– 1,4M

Wave MV âž– 1,4M

Inception MV âž– 1,4M

Answer MV âž– 1,3M

Say My Name âž– 1,2M

Thanxx âž– 1,1M

Pirate King MV âž– 1,1M

Hala Hala MV âž– 1M

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